Most companies today are nearly 100% dependent on their IT. A failure of the system quickly causes a great deal of damage. Accordingly, it is important to critically review the existing technical and organizational measures.
Protective measures such as firewalls and anti-virus prog-rams are very important, but they are far from enough, as they can easily be bypassed.
The currently most commonly used method of attack is the Phishung. Your employees will receive an e-mail with a trust-worthy presentation that inclu-des a link to a fake website or a malicious code attached to it.
19% of medium-sized compa-nies in Germany were the vic-tims of a successful cyberattack in 2016 (source: pwc, in the sights of cyber gangsters, Feb. 2017).
All types of companies are affected and not - as one might expect - only those with a large research and development department. Because besides intellectual property, there are other things that are most interesting to the attackers.
Any business can be crushed if production is disrupted or if all IT through a ransomware (en-cryption Trojan) stops working.
We support you in setting up and optimizing security mana-gement. Furthermore, we ac-company you in the certifica-tion of your company according to ISO 27001.