Externer Datenschutzbeauftragter
Data Privacy Consulting
Interim Management Internal Audit & Compliance

About us

Winfried Schnitzler

I have over 20 years of experience in internal audit, data privacy, compliance and security.
In addition to setting up and running a Compliance Management Sytem, I worked for 10 years as Head of Internal Audit. In addition, for 5 years I was the Data Protection Officer of a large company in the telecommunications industry. In this function I was et al responsible for the implementation of the EU GDPR.

  • Data protection officer (TÜV)
  • Member of the Professional Association of Data Protection Officers in Germany
  • Member of the German Institute for Internal Audit e.V.
  • Member Association of Certified Fraud Examiners

I'm working confidently with several independent consultants whom I have known for many years from various projects.

They have different areas of expertise and a lot of experience.

Depending on the focus and scope of the assignment, I fall back on these colleagues. For you, however, I am the contact person and person responsible during the project.
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